Recovery for a client who suffered a still-birth and became barren.

Crowder & Scoggins, Ltd. recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of two parents who suffered every expecting parent’s nightmare.  The case is pending in St. Louis County, and alleges medical malpractice in the still-birth of our clients’ unborn child. 

This was our client’s first pregnancy after years of trying unsuccessfully to conceive.  She was considered high risk and was diligent in her scheduled check-ups with her OBGYN.  Unfortunately, despite showing clinical signs of late gestational preeclampsia and hypertension, her treating OBGYN took no preventative steps to address these issues. 

At her final OBGYN visit on a Monday, she showed emergent symptoms of advanced preeclampsia and pregnancy induced hypertension. At that time our client was 38 and 1/2 weeks and the baby had fetal heart tones on this Monday visit. Rather than send her directly to labor and delivery for real time monitoring and to determine whether to induce labor that day, her OBGYN sent her offsite for lab work. Though the labs came back emergent, the doctor’s office waited until Friday to instruct the mother to go to the hospital for delivery- which ultimately resulted in a still-birth. 

As a result of complications from the delivery, the mother suffered post-partum heart failure and was rendered unable to have children.  The attorneys at Crowder & Scoggins, Ltd. are working relentlessly to ensure justice for this family.  If you suffered complications or injury to you or your baby during pregnancy or delivery, please contact the attorneys at Crowder & Scoggins, Ltd. for a free consultation today. 




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